Nexus 2.4 is compatible with Vicon's latest video camera: Vicon Vue.
The Vue video camera offers 1080p. It is fitted with:
❙ Side-mounted status LEDs, which give clearly visible camera status information. For more information, see Vue camera status LEDs.
❙ An accelerometer, which enables you to select a camera in the volume by tapping it, and which monitors the camera position to alert you if any cameras are accidentally knocked or moved from their intended positions. For more information, see Vue Tap to Select camera feature and Vue bump detection and display.
❙ Thermal sensors, which monitor camera temperature levels so that you are warned of any changes in temperature that could affect the system status. For more information, see Vue temperature sensor display.
For instructions on setting up Vicon systems containing Vue cameras, see the Vicon Vue Quick Start Guide.
♦ Location: Camera's Properties pane > Settings section
To help you monitor the status of the cameras, they are fitted with status LEDs. A pair of tri-color LEDS on either side of the camera provide feedback on camera operation.
To change the display of camera status information:
1. In the System Resources list, select a camera (or all cameras).
2. In the Settings section of the Properties pane, select or clear Enable LEDs.
With Enable LEDs selected (its default setting), while the camera is booting, the status LED color changes from yellow during booting, to red when booting is complete.
When the cameras are communicating with Nexus, the status LEDs turn blue.
After the camera has booted, you can check the cameras' status by observing the status LEDs on each camera. You can also monitor the camera status in Nexus.
♦ Location: Camera's Properties pane > Settings section
Vicon Vue cameras provide a Tap to Select feature, which enables you to lightly tap the camera in the volume to select it (and deselect the other cameras). This is useful, for example, when you are setting up cameras, before they are calibrated. The Tap to Select feature is on by default.
To turn Tap to Select on or off:
1. In the System Resources list, select the required camera.
2. In the Properties pane, go to the Settings section and select or clear Enable Tap to Select.
Note that when Enable Accelerometry is selected, if you tap a camera too hard, or if the camera is accidentally knocked, a calibrated camera is reported as 'bumped', that is, the camera’s status LEDs flash red and in Nexus, the Status section in the Properties pane for the relevant camera displays a check mark in its Bumped check box.
You can remove a camera’s Bumped status in Nexus. If this is a frequent occurrence, you can change its sensitivity to being tapped by reducing the Bump Detection Sensitivity. For more information see Vue bump detection and display.
♦ Location: Camera's Properties pane > Settings section and
Camera's Properties pane > Status section
In addition to the Tap to Select feature (see above), Vicon Vue cameras also provide bump detection.
When Enable Accelerometry is selected (its default setting), bump detection works on calibrated cameras to alert you when they have moved from their calibrated positions.
To turn bump detection on or off:
1. In the System Resources pane, select a camera (or all cameras).
2. In the Properties pane, expand the Settings section and select or clear Enable Accelerometry.
When Enable Accelerometry is selected, if a calibrated camera is accidentally knocked, the camera's status LEDs indicate that it is a bumped camera by flashing red and in Nexus, the camera’s Bumped check box (in its Status properties) displays a check mark.
To change the sensitivity of the accelerometer:
1. In the System Resources list, select the required camera (or all cameras).
2. In the Properties pane, go to the Status section and in the Bump Detection Sensitivity pull-down, select a different option.
To clear a camera's Bumped status:
For a single camera:
1. In the System Resources list, select the bumped camera.
2. In the Properties pane, go to the Status section and clear the Bumped check box.
For all cameras:
♦ Press Ctrl+Shift+B
Note the following limitations:
❙ Bump detection is active only on calibrated cameras.
❙ Bump detection cannot detect movement that does not change the local gravity vector, for example. slow translation with no rotation; rotation about the G-vector.
❙ Bump detection cannot detect movements that occur when the camera is not connected to a live system.
❙ The camera is detected as bumped when the reading from the accelerometer is sufficiently different from the last reading that was sent. Therefore gradual changes (for example, a slipping camera mount) may not be detected until they are large enough to trigger a new notification.
♦ Location: Camera's Properties pane > Hardware section > Camera Body Temp 1 and Camera Body Temp 2
Thermal sensors enable you to monitor the internal temperature of your camera(s).
The data for the onboard sensors is displayed in the Hardware section. A numeric indicator (in degrees Celsius) and a colored temperature indicator is displayed for each sensor. The color of the indicator changes to reflect a change in temperature: yellow (warming up to the temperature specified by the lower bounds), green (between the specified upper and lower bounds) or red (overheated above the upper bounds).
Because Vicon motion capture cameras are used in a wide variety of environments, a stable camera temperature will be different for different users. The Camera Temperature Range option enables you to set values that are representative of your laboratory environment.
You can change the upper and lower bounds of the Camera Temperature Range in the Options dialog box (F7).