What's New in Vicon Nexus 2.0

Biomechanics workflow

Vicon Nexus 2.0 includes a new Biomechanics Workflow area that enables you to associate specified data capture and processing steps with particular trial types, add joint range monitors for instant feedback, and quickly accept or reject the results of each step.

The following topics explain how to use the biomechanics workflow to simplify and speed up your work, and includes information on using functional calibration and SCoRE and SARA.

     Overview of the biomechanics workflow

     View real-time subject calibration feedback with monitors

     About functional calibration

     Create a biomechanics workflow

     About SCoRE and SARA in Vicon Nexus

     Prepare data for use with SCoRE and SARA

     Capture and process a trial with SCoRE and SARA

     Process multiple joints with SCoRE and SARA