Static Skeleton Calibration - Markers Only operation

This operation calculates the skeleton's marker positions from a single frame. This operation is only useful if the skeleton has already been scaled appropriately for the subject.

Algorithm description

The Static Skeleton Calibration - Markers Only operation provides a quick way to update a skeleton's marker positions. It usually operates on a static trial in which the subject is in the T-pose. Sometimes it is run on a single frame from a full ROM as part of the Auto Initialize Labeling pipeline. Static Skeleton Calibration - Markers Only estimates both the joint angles and the marker positions for the selected frame. Before running this operation, the subject skeleton must be correctly scaled. This is usually done by scaling the subject, as is done by the Auto Initialize Labeling pipeline. You could also use a previously calibrated skeleton for the same subject.

As happens in Functional Skeleton Calibration - Markers Only, the parameters that refer to segments are identified and held constant by the operation. The calibration then optimizes the joint angles and marker positions for the frame selected. Optimizing the joint angles allows the subject to be in a pose that is different from the T-pose. This protects against the calibration from introducing marker position errors due to the subject being in a slightly incorrect base pose.

As with Static Skeleton Calibration, the joint and marker statistics are left unchanged.

Examples of using Static Skeleton Calibration - Markers Only

This operation is used for recalibration of an existing correctly scaled skeleton. It is part of the Auto Initialize Labeling pipeline and runs after the Scale subject operation. It can also be used to recalibrate markers if they have fallen off and been replaced.

For information on how to use this operation in common Nexus workflows, see Subject calibration workflows.