Auto start/stop capture

        Location: Tools pane > Capture tab > Auto Capture Setup section

Nexus now provides you with an option to start and stop captures automatically when the subject enters and leaves the capture volume. 

With the Start on Labeling % option selected, captures automatically start when a subject first fully enters the volume. If the Stop on Labeling % option is also selected, captures automatically stop when the subject leaves the volume.

You can set the labeling percentage (ie, the percentage of markers expected from the total number of markers in your subject’s labeling skeleton) that needs to be recognized by Nexus within the capture volume for the subject to be considered as fully in the volume or to have left the volume and therefore to trigger capture start/stop.

To automatically start and stop captures:

1.    In the Capture Tools pane, expand Auto Capture Setup and select Start on Labeling % and/or Stop on Labeling %.

2.    The default values for this operation start capture when at least 90% of a subject's markers are recognized and stop when less than 65% remain (volume exit). You can adjust these percentages to suit your capture type.


3.    Have a subject wearing the required marker set enter the volume.

Tip:          To check data quality, you can display the labeling percentage by selecting the subject and in a Graph view choosing Labeling to show how many labels are present on each frame.